
Showing posts from October, 2023

Brown Recluse facts

Appearance   Do you know what a Brown Recluse looks like? A Brown Recluse has a brown body with fangs . They can grow up to 1 in. long. They have 8 legs made to jump, run, and climb. All spiders have an abdomen at the back of them. They have 6 eyes on their cephalothorax. This is what a Brown Recluse looks like.                                                This is a Brown Recluse on a towel. Habitat There are lots of places a Brown Recluse can live. They can live in U.S.A., Ohio, Alabama, and Louisiana. They also live in Sahara and the woods. You have a better chance of finding them at night because they are nocturnal. These are some of the places you can find them. Diet What do Brown Recluses eat? they eat cockroaches, moths, and bugs. Their predators are birds and praying mantis. Brown Recluses can get extremely hungry! This is what it eats and what eats it. I...